Selasa, 31 Juli 2012


Batik adalah salah satu cara pembuatan bahan pakaian. Selain itu batik bisa mengacu pada dua hal. Yang pertama adalah teknik pewarnaan kain dengan menggunakan malam untuk mencegah pewarnaan sebagian dari kain. Dalam literatur internasional, teknik ini dikenal sebagai wax-resist dyeing. Pengertian kedua adalah kain atau busana yang dibuat dengan teknik tersebut, termasuk penggunaan motif-motif tertentu yang memiliki kekhasan. Batik Indonesia, sebagai keseluruhan teknik, teknologi, serta pengembangan motif dan budaya yang terkait, oleh UNESCO telah ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Kemanusiaan untuk Budaya Lisan dan Nonbendawi (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) sejak 2 Oktober, 2009.

Berikut adalah alamat beberapa Kerajinan Batik di Yogyakarta:

Batik Bintang Hn
Alamat: Purbayan III/ 1134 Yogyakarta

Batik Cv. Duta Selaras Tenunindo
Alamat: Pekaten GK II/ 335 Kotagede, Yogyakarta

Batik Cv. Mita Sari
Alamat: Jl. Rotowijayan KP 2/18 Yogyakarta

Batik Cv. Princess Muniroh
Alamat: Jl. Pramuka 11 Yogyakarta

Batik Gisa Collection
Alamat: Mlangi 10/ 33 Gamping, Sleman

Batik Kurnia Collection
Alamat: Celeban Baru III/ 633 Yogyakarta

Batik Margaria
Alamat: Diro 204 Pendowoharjo Sewon, Bantul

Batik Paradise
Alamat: Jl. Purbayan 24 Kotagede, Yogyakarta

Batik Pertiwi
Alamat: Jl. Sisingamangaraja 67 Yogyakarta

Batik Plentong
Alamat: Jl. Tirtodipuran 48, Yogyakarta

Batik Rara Djonggrang
Alamat: Jl. Tirtodipuran 18 Yogyakarta

Batik Seno
Alamat: Mantrijeron 36 Yogyakarta

Batik Tiga Lima Empat
Alamat: Jl. Imogiri Ngancar Bangunharjo Sewon, Bantul

Batik Toharudin Collection
Alamat: Mlangi 04/ 32 Gamping, Sleman

Batik Trisno
Alamat: Jl. Nagan Tengah 43 Yogyakarta

Batik Zuliacraft Tekstile
Alamat: Gamplong I Sumber Rahayu Moyudan, Sleman

Cv. Batik Surya Kencana
Alamat: Ngadinegaran MJ III/ 133 Yogyakarta

Mirota Batik
Alamat: Jl. Ahmad Yani Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55122
Telepon : +62-274-588524, 518127, 547016

Pasar Beringharjo
Alamat: Jl. Pabringan No. 1 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55122
Telepon : +62-274-515871, 561510 fax: +62-274-561510

Tribuana Batik
Alamat: Karangkajen III/ 727 Yogyakarta

Ramayana Ballet Performance di Purawisata Jogja

Salah satu Objek Daya Tarik Tujuan Wisata paling di minati wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Yogyakarta. Pertunjukkan Sendratari yang mengisahkan cerita Ramayana ; kisah cinta antara Rama dan Shinta, angkara murka sang Rahwana, serta kesetiaan dan keberanian Hanuman.

Tersedia Paket Pertunjukkan dan Makan Malam di Gazebo Garden Restaurant yang terletak di satu area dengan Panggung Terbuka Sendrari Ramayana dengan suasana yang tenang, perpaduan taman nan asri dengan arsitektur Jawa yang menarik. Ditemani oleh alunan musik ‘Gamelan’ dan penari Jawa yang ditampilkan secara live.
*Ramayana Ballet akan dilakukan dalam ruangan di Graha Adi Budaya jika cuaca hujan

Kampung Wisata di Yogyakarta

Lima kampung wisata di Yogyakarta meningkatkan daya tarik wisata dengan menonjolkan keunikan lokal. Targetnya adalah wisatawan dari berbagai kalangan, baik domestik maupun mancanegara. Target tahun ini: 2,5 juta wisatawan.

"Kampung wisata merupakan salah satu program untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan. Setiap kampung wisata memiliki produk unggulan yang dapat menambah keunikan budaya Yogyakarta, kata Yulia Rostianingsih, Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Yogyakarta, Kamis (18/7).

Lima kampung wisata tersebut adalah Dipowinatan, Cokrodiningratan, Tahunan, Kadipaten, dan Purbayan. Kelimanya memiliki keunggulan yang berbeda. Dipowinatan, misalnya, memimliki wisata urban, sedangkan Cokrodiningratan memiliki wisata lingkungan. Setiap kampung sudah mendapatkan dana pusat sebesar Rp65 juta untuk pengembangan.

Sejak diluncurkan kampung wisata pada tahun 2006 lalu, angka kunjungan wisatawan mulai meningkat. "Peningkatan paling mencolok adalah kunjungan wisatawan asing, yang biasanya hanya mencapai 180 hingga 200 ribu per tahun, meningkat menjadi 210.000 per tahunnya," jelas Yulia. Wisatawan asing ini banyak didominasi dari negara Eropa, Belgia, Jepang, dan Belanda.

Menurut Yulia, status kampung wisata dapat meningkatkan perekonomian warga sehingga beberapa daerah di Yogyakarta tengah mengajukan diri menjadi kampung wisata. Pemerintah akan melakukan peninjauan secara intensif untuk mengkaji pengajuan. Sementara itu, pada tahun ini, kampung wisata diharapkan dapat melakukan peningkatan baik dari produk maupun SDM-nya

“Sayangnya, kampung wisata belum memliki home stay sehingga wisatawan asing masih tinggal di hotel. Home stay akan menjadi pengembangan ke depannya,” kata Yulia.

Kunjungan wisata biasanya meningkat saat hari tertentu. Pada Lebaran tahun kemarin, dalam sebulan jumlah wisatawan mencapai 250.000 ribu orang.  Oktober mendatang, angka wisatawan diprediksikan Yulia meningkat meningkat adanya perhelatan besar Jogja Java Carnival dan Royal Wedding, serta hari ulang tahun Yogyakarta.

Taken from national geographic Indonesia

Senin, 30 Juli 2012


Trans Jogja is a public transport which is safe and using air conditioner with a rate IDR 3000 for each way. Below are the routes of Trans Jogja:

Candi Prambanan - Bandar Udara Adisutjipto - Jembatan Layang Janti - Ambarrukmo Plaza - UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Saphir Square - Bioskop XXI, Jl. Solo - Rumah Sakit Bethesda, Toko Buku Gramedia, Hotel Novotel - Hotel Santika, Pizza Hut Tugu Jogja - Kantor Kedaulatan Rakyat - Stasiun Tugu Jogjakarta - Jalan Malioboro (ada 3 buah halte) - Kantor Pos Besar, Kraton, Alun-Alun Utara, Monumen 1 Maret, Benteng Vredeburg - Taman Pintar, Taman Parkir Bank Indonesia, Pasar Beringhardjo, Gondomanan - Pasar Sentul (Jl. Taman Siswa) - Taman Makan Pahlawan Kusumanegara - Balaikota Jogjakarta - Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka - Jogja Expo Center - Jembatan Janti (kembali ke arah Kalasan, Bandar Udara Adisutjipto sampai Terminal Prambanan).

Terminal Prambanan - Kalasan - Bandara Adisucipto - Maguwoharjo - Janti (lewat bawah) - Blok O - JEC - Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - SGM - Pasar Sentul - Gondomanan - Kantor Pos Besar - RS.PKU Muhammadiyah - Pasar Kembang - Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - Pingit - Tugu - Gramedia - Bundaran UGM - Colombo - Demangan - UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Janti - Maguwoharjo - Bandara Adisucipto - Kalasan - Terminal Prambanan

Terminal Jombor - Monjali - Tugu - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - Kantor Pos Besar - Gondomanan - Jokteng Wetan - Tungkak - Gambiran - Basen -Rejowinangun - Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - SGM - Cendana - Mandala Krida - Gayam - Flyover Lempuyangan - Kridosono - Duta Wacana - Galeria - Gramedia - Bunderan UGM - Colombo - Terminal Condongcatur - Kentungan - Monjali - Terminal Jombor

Terminal Jombor - Monjali - Kentungan - Terminal Condong Catur - Colombo - Bundaran UGM - Gramedia - Kridosono - Duta Wacana - Fly-over Lempuyangan - Gayam - Mandala Krida - Cendana - SGM - Gembiraloka - Babadan Gedongkuning - Rejowinangun - Basen - Tungkak - Joktengwetan - Gondomanan - Kantor Pos Besar - RS PKU Muhammadiyah - Ngabean - Wirobrajan - BPK - Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - Pingit - Tugu - Monjali - Terminal Jombor

Terminal Giwangan - Tegalgendu HS-Silver Jl. Nyi Pembayun Pegadaian Kotagede Basen Rejowinangun Babadan Gedongkuning JEC Blok O Janti (lewat atas) Janti Maguwoharjo Bandara ADISUCIPTO Maguwoharjo Ringroad Utara Terminal Condongcatur Kentungan MM UGM MirotaKampus Gondolayu Tugu Pingit Bundaran SAMSAT Badran Pasar Kembang Stasiun TUGU Malioboro Kantor Pos Besar RS PKU Muhammadiyah Ngabean Jokteng Kulon Plengkung Gading Jokteng Wetan Tungkak Wirosaban Tegalgendu Terminal Giwangan

Terminal Giwangan - Tegalgendu Wirosaban Tungkak Jokteng Wetan Plengkung Gading JoktengKulon Ngabean RS PKU Muhammadiyah Pasar Kembang Badran Bundaran SAMSAT Pingit Tugu Gondolayu Mirota Kampus MM UGM Kentungan Terminal Condong Catur Ringroad Utara Maguwoharjo Bandara Adisucipto Maguwoharjo JANTI (lewat bawah) Blok O JEC Babadan Gedongkuning Rejowinangun S3. Basen Pegadaian Kotagede Jl.Nyi Pembayun HS-Silver Tegalgendu Terminal Giwangan

Terminal Giwangan SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Museum Biologi UGM Hayam Wuruk SMPN 5 Puro Pakualaman Taman Siswa Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Terminal Giwangan

Terminal Giwangan SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Kusumanegara 3 SGM STPMD 1 UIN Sunan Kalijaga 1 Gedung Wanita LPP Sudirman 1 SMPN 5 AA YKPN De Britto UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2 STPMD 2 SMKN 5 Kusumanegara 4 Pasar Seni Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Terminal Giwangan

Merapi Volcano

Merapi volcano is one of the world's most active and dangerous volcanoes. It contains an active lava dome which regularly produces pyroclastic flows. Eruptions occur at intervals of 1-5 years and are of low gas pressure. Since magma is poor in gas, eruptions are usually less than VEI 3 in size.

Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and has produced more pyroclastic flows than any other volcano in the world. It has been active for 10,000 years.
Most eruptions of Merapi involve a collapse of the lava dome creating pyroclastic flows which travel 6 to 7 km from the summit. Some awan panas have traveled as far as 13 km from the summit, such as the deposit generated during the 1969 eruption. Velocity of pyroclastic flows can reach up to 110 km/hour. A slow up flow of andesitic magma leads to an extrusion of viscous magma, which accumulate and construct a dome in the crater.
Violent Eruptions at Merapi volcano
There is evidence that the current low level of activity may be interrupted by larger explosive eruptions. Eruptions of Merapi volcano during the 7–19th centuries A.D. were more violent than the past hundred years, and produced explosion pyroclastic flows. Widespread pyroclastic flows and surges traveled up to 25 km down the flanks of Merapi.
Scientists predict that the quiet of the 20th century will be broken by a larger
explosive eruption within coming decades. (Scientific report published in 2000).
 This was proved true with the large 2010-211 eruptions.
2012 ActivityA small emission of ash occurred at Merapi volcano, Indonesia on 15th July 2012. The small eruption was not followed by other signs of unrest and the alert status remained unchanged. The eruption was caused by a small collapse of the lava dome which remains unstable after the 2010-11 eruptions. Ash emission reached a height of 1 km above the crater, and ashfall occurred at Jurang Jero and Srumbung. 
2010-11 Eruption
Merapi volcano began erupting on 26th October 2010. The eruption was the was the largest at the volcano in 100 years. Ash emissions reached an altitude of 40,000 ft, and 370,000 people were evacuated from a 20 km radius danger zone. Over 190 people were killed by pyroclastic flows and ashfall.
2006 Eruptions
Seismic activity began increasing at Merapi volcano in March 2006, and 10,000 residents were prepared for evacuation. On 10th April people were banned from climbing the volcano. On 12th April the Alert Level was raided from 2 to 3. An 8 km exclusion zone was placed around the volcano. On 27th April nearly 2,000 villagers were evacuated from Sidorejo and Tegalmulyo villages around Merapi volcano. On 13th May, the Alert Level was raised to the highest level 4, and about 4,500 people living near the volcano were evacuated. On 15th May pyroclastic flows traveled up to 4 km west. By 16th May, more than 22,000 people had been evacuated. On 8th June, the lava-dome growth rate at Merapi was an estimated 100,000 cubic meters per day, with an estimated volume of 4 million cubic meters. Pyroclastic flows and rockfalls decreased in frequency and intensity after 28th June 2006.
2006 Earthquakes
On 27th May 2006 a magnitude 6.3 earthquake killed about 5,400 people produced in a three-fold increase in activity at Merapi volcano. On 17th July 2006 a magnitude 7.7 earthquake hit 50 km south of Merapi volcano. The earthquake was the result of thrust-faulting on the boundary between the Australian and Sunda tectonic plates. The earthquake produced an 8 m high tsunami which hit the southern coast of Java. This event was classified as a tsunami earthquake, because of the low earthquake magnitude compared to the tsunami size. The earthquake caused 5,750 deaths, 38,560 injuries, and up to 600,000 people displaced in the Bantul-Yogyakarta area.
2001 Eruption
A major eruption began at Merapi volcano on 10th February 2001. A 30-minute-long pyroclastic flow occurred at 0200 hr. At 0330 hr there was a collapse of the 1998 lava dome which ejected ash 5 km above the summit and produced a pyroclastic flows that extended 7 km in the direction of the Sat River.
1998 Eruptions
Activity at Merapi volcano began increasing in July 1998. On 11th July 37 nuées ardentes occurred between midnight and 0500 hr. Between 11-19 July, 128 nuées ardentes occurred, including a strong pyroclastic ash and block flow at 1500 on 19th July.
1994 Eruptions
On 22nd November 1994, a large number of dome-collapse nuees ardentes were generated over a period of several hours at Merapi volcano. The nuees ardentes descended mainly the Boyong valley and the Bedog valley, a tributary of the Krasak-Kecil valley. This was in contrast to the 1984 and 1992 flows which traveled exclusively towards the southwest and west.
1986-87 Eruptions
Lava dome formation at Merapi volcano in 1986-87 was the largest since 1973.
1984 Eruption
On 15th June 1984 explosions at the lava dome produced pyroclastic flows which extended 7 km from the volcano, and ashfall 80 km NW.
1968 Eruptions
At the end of May 1968 a lava tongue had extended 875 m and was the result of new lava done extrusion after the 1967 collapse. The number of avalanches from the lava tongue were 1432 in June, 1370 July, 329 August, and 12 in September. Renewed activity began at Merapi volcano in October 1968 with an increasing number of lava avalanches.
1967 Eruptions
A lava dome extruded in April 1967 at the upper Batang River on the SW slope of Merapi volcano. The dome collapsed in October 1967.
1822 Lahar
A hot lahar at Merapi volcano on 28th December 1822 destroyed 4 villages with 100 casualties.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Kraton Yogyakarta

Sultan or the King of Yogyakarta lives in kraton complex and these particular buildings were constructed in the mid-18th century. At the centre of the kraton, there is a place called Golden Pavilion (Bangsal Kencana), which has a beautifully detailed roof and some huge teak columns. This hall is surrounded by Kedhaton yard so that people must go through layers of the yard that seem like waves in order to reach the center. Other points of interest to look out for include the separate male / female entrances (with respective dragon signs), regular musical 'gamelan' performances and shadow puppetry, and the onsite Museum Kareta Kraton (Sultan's Carriage Museum).

Sultan Palace, Yogyakarta is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. Sultan Palace, Yogyakarta was established in the year 1755 by Pangeran (Prince) Mangkubumi.
The Sultan Palace is popularly known as Kraton. The name originates from ke-ratu-an. The word means the dwelling place of the queen or king. Most of the buildings and structures in the Kraton area have some significance in regards to the Javanese philosophy of life.

From north part to west part of the Palace area, there are North Square, North Siti Hinggil, North Kemandhungan, Srimanganti, Kedhaton, Kemagangan, South Kemandungan, South Siti Hinggil and South Square (the yard that is protected by high walls).
In order to reach all of the places, there are nine gates (called regol) that must be passed through, namely: gerbang, pangurukan, tarub agung, brajanala, srimanganti, kamagangan, gadhung mlati, kemandhungan and gading.

Address: Jl. Rotowijayan 1, Yogyakarta 55133, Indonesia
Open: Saturday to Thursday - 08:00 to 14:00, Friday - 08:00 to 13:00